Where did the word ‘Kraft” comes from? When it comes to the Kraft paperboard, it is considered to be a packaging material that is normally used for the Kraft pulping process. It is used with the certain chemicals (sulfates) which increased the strength of the paper and just because of this reason this type of packaging material is not considered to be a durable one, but also useful for nature. What is Kraft Paper Used For in Packaging? Kraft paper bags is used in Coated Unbleached Kraft or CUK, Solid Bleached Sulfate or SBS (this is the same as Bleached Kraft), Coated Recycled Board or CRB, and corrugated boards. Coated Unbleached Kraft (CUK) This material is viewed as the essential variant. There is no 'blanching' or further expansion of synthetic compounds other than those protected by the Kraft procedure. Hence, it is likewise called Solid Unbleached Sulfate or SUS and comprises of 80% virgin fiber wood/cellulose mash. There are incredible tear obstructio...